Why fortified with iron?

Insufficient iron intake from food is one of the biggest challenges for infants and toddlers. Reasons are very logical.

  1. Food portions are small.

2. Food is low in iron, especially during the first year of life.

3. Daily iron need for infants and toddlers is very high –  7-10 mg according to Nordic Nutrition Recommendations. Just to compare this amount, an adult man needs around 9 mg daily.

4. Toddlers have often periods of picky eaters.

Our baby food is fortified with iron to support the daily iron intake. Iron is added based on guidelines from European Commission. All iron-fortified baby food is suitable for daily use. Iron-fortified food is not a food supplement.

Iron-fortified baby food differs from ordinary baby food only in that sense that it includes a small amount of iron to meet the daily demand. Iron does not affect the taste. On the contrary, organic iron fortified porridges have a nice texture and delicious taste that is difficult to resist. The recipe has also been approved by our babies and toddlers! 🙂

Bon appetit!